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Hellas Pindakaas - Griekse Radio on Amsterdam's Salto/Wereld FM


Hellas Pindakaas - The only Greek radio show on Amsterdam's Publieke Omroep Salto/ Wereld FM Hellas Pindakaas - Every Sunday 7-8pm (local time). Quirky newsbites, discussions and guests from Greece and The Netherlands! Music without borders: an eclectic mix of Greek and international artists that fuse different world music influences with sounds, melodies and vocals from all cultures. Blending the old and the new, the traditional and the contemporary, the local and the global. Send me your ideas and suggestions on what you want the show to be about. You can communicate with me during the show through the Hellas Pindakaas.

To listen live: On radio, for Amsterdam only, check SALTO Wereld FM on 99.4 Mhz.

Hellas Pindakaas


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